On 2020-08-30 1:29 pm, Claire Meyer wrote:
Thank you very much ! Would you know as well how to center it
vertically on
the second line ?
Depending on what you are doing, \vcenter \column { ... } might work.
Alternately, you could use a combination of \column and \dir-column.
\version "2.20.0"
\markup {
baseline >
\column { 1 2 3 }
\column {
\override #`(direction . ,UP)
\dir-column { 2 1 }
\override #`(direction . ,UP)
\dir-column { 3 2 1 }
< >
\vcenter \column { 1 2 3 }
< baseline
The last example shows how \vcenter does not quite align the same as the
other option. But again, it might not matter in context so it is worth
trying as it is simpler.
-- Aaron Hill