> On 19 Aug 2020, at 14:44, David Wright <lily...@lionunicorn.co.uk> wrote:
> On Wed 19 Aug 2020 at 11:26:56 (+0100), Michael Hendry wrote:
>> Returning to the mailing list after what I planned would be a temporary 
>> period away, I find I’m unable to log in using my old details, and that the 
>> “Remind” feature doesn’t work, in that I appear to need a valid password in 
>> order to be reminded!
>> Is there something obvious that I’m missing?
> What do you mean by "old" details? To get to the options page, you
> need to use the email address you subscribed under, as this forms
> part of the options page's address. (You probably know that.)
> The Remind button is almost the last item on that page. I would
> imagine that you are interpreting "From this point on" to mean
> "from this point on in the text of this page" rather than
> "from this point on in order to change any options".
> So just press Remind. My email took less than 5 seconds to arrive,
> and at least one hop had to cross the Atlantic.
> Next, on a site like gmail, they always say "check your spam folder".
> Cheers,
> David.

Thanks, David (and to Brian Barker, who replied privately).

I’d (obviously, in retrospect!) misunderstood the meaning of “unsubscribe”, 
thinking it meant "suspend emails”.


A new subscription was all that was needed.



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