Kenneth Wolcott wrote:

the right hand of one particular measure has "bf2." and "d2 f8 bf"
(this is 3/4 time).

How to engrave this? Do I need distinct voices for this?

These voices must be made to run simultaneously. Use << >> brackets.
That way, the durations in one voice don't interfere with the durations in the other voice.

This is shown in the Notation Reference
but that example doesn't have any chords.

I've attached a snippet which combines single notes and chords in different situations.


\version "2.20.0"

global = {
  \key c \major
  \time 3/4

sopMusic =  \transpose c c' { \voiceOne  
  g,4 c8.[ c16] e8.[ e16] |
  <f a>4 <e g>4. e8 |
  <f a>4 <e g>4. e8 |
  <d f>8.[ <c e>16] <b, d>2 |
  g,4 b,8.[ b,16] d8.[ d16] |
  f4 f4. e8 _~ |
  <e g>4 f4. e8 |
  d4 c2 |

altoMusic =  \transpose c c' { \voiceTwo
  s2. |
  c2 s4 |
  c2 s4 |
  s2. |
  g,2. |
  b,4 ^~ <a, b,>4. s8 |
  b,2 <g, ~ b,>4 |
  g,2 s4 |

tenorMusic = { \voiceOne 
  e4 e4 g4 |                           
  s2. |
  s2 g4 |
  s2. |
  f2. |
  s2. |
  s4 a4. s8 |
  f4 e2 |

bassMusic = { \voiceTwo
  c2. |
  c2 g4 |
  c2. |
  g2 d4 ~ |
  d4 g,4 b,4 |
  d2 g4 |
  g,2. |
  c2 g,4 |

\score {
  \new PianoStaff <<
    \new Staff { \global  
        \new Voice \sopMusic 
        \new Voice \altoMusic  
    \new Staff{ \clef bass \global 
        \new Voice \tenorMusic 
        \new Voice \bassMusic 
  \layout {}

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