Am Fr., 14. Aug. 2020 um 16:10 Uhr schrieb Fernando Gil <>: > > Hello to everyone, I'm struggled with the lyrics tie character when using an > alternate font from Music Type Foundry. > > Since lilypond uses character from the music font, when using an alternate > font with the character missing, it doesn't show. > > I have a workaround that goes like this: > > Cuer -- \markup {po\hspace #-0.3 \override #'(font-name . "emmentaler-20") > \char ##xe196 \hspace #-0.3 y} > > But when transcribing 8 stanzas there's certainly much better to use the > simplicity of "~" (i.e. Cuer -- po~y) rather than my workaround. > > I imagine there's a chance to achieve what I'm looking with a cleaner way but > have no clue where to start. Hope you can help me. Thanks in advance.
Hi Fernando, I can't reproduce your problem, because you didn't tell us how you used music-fonts in which way etc. Trying to make any sense of your example I come to \new Lyrics \lyricmode { Cuer -- \markup { po\hspace #-0.3 \override #'(font-name . "emmentaler-20") \char ##xe196 \hspace #-0.3 y } } Which always returns a small "x" instead of the tie. Ofcourse this small "x" can be done automatically: #(define-markup-command (my-tied-lyric layout props str) (string?) #:category music #:properties ((word-space)) " @cindex simple text string, with tie characters Like simple-markup, but use tie characters for @q{~} tilde symbols. @lilypond[verbatim,quote] \\markup \\column { \\tied-lyric #\"Siam navi~all'onde~algenti Lasciate~in abbandono\" \\tied-lyric #\"Impetuosi venti I nostri~affetti sono\" \\tied-lyric #\"Ogni diletto~e scoglio Tutta la vita~e~un mar.\" } @end lilypond" (define (replace-ties tie str) (if (string-contains str "~") (let* ((half-space (/ word-space 2)) (parts (string-split str #\~)) (tie-str (make-line-markup (list (make-hspace-markup half-space) tie (make-hspace-markup half-space)))) (joined (list-join parts tie-str))) (make-concat-markup joined)) str)) (define short-tie-regexp (make-regexp "~[^.]~")) (define (match-short str) (regexp-exec short-tie-regexp str)) (define (replace-short str mkp) (let ((match (match-short str)) (my-tie #{ \markup { \override #'(font-name . "emmentaler-20") \char ##xe196 } #})) (if (not match) (make-concat-markup (list mkp (replace-ties my-tie ;"ties.lyric.default" str))) (let ((new-str (match:suffix match)) (new-mkp (make-concat-markup (list mkp (replace-ties my-tie ;"ties.lyric.default" (match:prefix match)) (replace-ties my-tie ;"ties.lyric.short" (match:substring match)))))) (replace-short new-str new-mkp))))) (interpret-markup layout props (replace-short str (markup)))) #(define-public (my-lyric-text::print grob) "Allow interpretation of tildes as lyric tieing marks." (let ((text (ly:grob-property grob 'text))) (grob-interpret-markup grob (if (string? text) (make-my-tied-lyric-markup text) text)))) \new Lyrics \lyricmode { \override LyricText.stencil = #my-lyric-text::print Cuer -- po~y } Alas, I've no idea if it's close to your wishes at all... Cheers, Harm