On 2020-08-11 1:57 am, Aaron Hill wrote:
On 2020-08-11 1:48 am, Aaron Hill wrote:
         (last (car (take-right elts 1)))

And in my haste to reply, I overlooked simplifying the car/take-right
1 to being just a call to the SRFI-1 "last" procedure:

         (last (last elts))

Though, I probably should pick a better local variable name than
"last".  Even though the compiler does the right thing, such usage
could be prone to misunderstanding.

Minimally improved version here that also demonstrates that lyric hyphens work:

\version "2.20.0"

#(define (lyrics? x)
  (and (ly:music? x)
       (music-is-of-type? x 'sequential-music)
       (every (music-type-predicate '(lyric-event))
              (ly:prob-property x 'elements))))

addPunct = #(define-music-function
  (lyrics punct)
  (lyrics? markup?)
  (let* ((elts (ly:prob-property lyrics 'elements))
         (last-elt (last elts))
         (text (ly:prob-property last-elt 'text)))
    (ly:prob-set-property! last-elt 'text
      #{ \markup \concat { $text $punct } #})

foobarbaz = \lyricmode { foo -- bar baz }

\new Voice \fixed c' { g8 fis g4 a4. b8 | c'1 }
\addlyrics { \addPunct \foobarbaz "," \addPunct \foobarbaz "!" }

-- Aaron Hill

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