To find out how to position the full measure rests, goto the page on
"Multi measure rest" in the manual. At the bottom of the page, there
are links to the relevant parts of the Program Reference. Click on
the link "MultiMeasureRest" to find a list of properties that are
set by default for this kind of object. Among others, you will find
a property called "staff-position" which determines the vertical
position. If you, for example, want the rest 7 half notes above the
middle line, then do
\override MultiMeasureRest #'staff-position = #7
As you can see, this will also automatically add a ledger line if you
move the rest outside the stave.

In general, the extra-offset property is often not the best solution
when you want to adjust the layout of a score. I see it more as an
emergency when nothing else works.


MX wrote:
-) The whole measure rests in the last system are not centered inside the

>measure (measures 109-111 and 115.

Use R2 instead of r2. In general, always use R for full measure rests, see


Yes but, how to shift vertically centered rests with an a1\rest - like instruction ?

with : \once \override MultiMeasureRest #'extra-offset = #'(0 . 1) R1 for example.

Yes but, what if you want the rest outside a stave, for example above ? The rest will be printed wittout the little line. How to proceed ?


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