> In fact I did the ‘git clone’ afresh, moving aside previous > attempts. Thus the contents of ‘build’ on both OSes is the result of > the commands I showed, up to '../configure'. > > That’s why I don’t get what happens…
For me, using an up-to-date MacPorts system, compilation of LilyPond from the git works as follows. (1) Clone `lilypond.git` or clean an existing repository with git clean -fdx (2) Configure LilyPond with ./autogen.sh --noconfigure && ./configure \ CC="ccache clang-mp-9.0" \ CXX="ccache clang++-mp-9.0" \ GUILE=/opt/local/bin/guile18 \ GUILE_FLAVOR=guile-1.8 \ --prefix="/foo/bar" \ --with-texgyre-dir="/usr/local/texlive/2020/texmf-dist/fonts/opentype/public/tex-gyre" \ --with-flexlexer-dir="/opt/local/include" \ --disable-documentation Remarks: . Adjust `--prefix` to whatever is suitable for you. . Using `ccache` is optional. . Slightly older clang versions should work, too. . I use TeXLive directly, so please adapt the path to the TeX-Gyre fonts as necessary if you use the MacPorts packages of TeXLive. (3) Build and install with make all && make install (4) Run lilypond as LTDL_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/local/lib \ PATH=/foo/bar/bin:$PATH \ lilypond <file> Werner