> Hi :) > > In case you didn't read my original post: > > I am creating a score for a piece of H. Schütz with Lilypond 2.2.5 > (with Fink on Mac). When setting this old kind of music it is often > better to not use a standard Choirstaff, but to use the bar lines only > between the bars. As far as I know this is quite common in late > renaissance and early baroque vocal music. > > So I used a StaffGroup and set the Staff.BarLine #'transparent = ##t. > Since I needed repeat signs, I had to be able to put the transparency > off to avoid losing the repeat signs themselves. > The result: I have a part that shows the bar lines between the staves > only, except for the repeat signs. > One detail: for the repeat signs I used \bar ":|" instead of \repeat > volta. It doesn't seem to make a difference for this problem though. > > One problem remains: the lyrics are running into the bar lines. In the > documentation I found that adding the Bar_engraver to the Lyrics > context would avoid this. This works, but it adds barlines below the > last staff and prints the repeat sign : -- : on the Lyrics height. > Trying to avoid that, I used \override BarLine #'transparent = ##t, but > this leaves a hole in the vertical repeat bar line. > > Any idea how to be able to avoid lyric-bar line-collisions without > having to nudge each lyric into the right position? > > Thanks in advance :) > > greets > > Maurits
If you use \set Score.defaultBarType = "" as in the attached example you don't need to do all the \once \override Staff.BarLine #'transparent = ##t And if you add the \override SpanBar #'glyph = #"|" you don't get the "|:" in the span bar. I have no solution for the lyrics problem. How do you "nudge" the lyrics? === My personal preference is to use GroupStaff and no bar lines alt. \set Score.defaultBarType = ":" I find the span bar / mensurstrich ugly and of not that much help since a \breve etc. can span over the span bar and in that way the singer is fooled by the span bar. And it gets in the way of the lyrics. Regards, /Karl
\version "2.4.2" #(set-global-staff-size 15) sca = { \override Score.BarNumber #'padding = #2 % \set Score.defaultBarType = ":" \set Score.defaultBarType = "" \override Score.RehearsalMark #'print-function = #(make-stencil-boxer 0.15 0.3 0.3 Text_interface::print) % \set Score.markFormatter = #format-mark-letters \set Score.markFormatter = #format-mark-numbers \override Score.TimeSignature #'style = #'() % \set Score.skipBars = ##t } %pipeSymbol = \bar ":" sta = { % \override Staff.BarLine #'transparent = ##t } clefcs = { \clef treble } clefca = { \clef treble } clefct = { \clef "treble_8" } clefcb = { \clef bass } keyBG = { \key bes \major \time 2/2 \mark #33 \set Score.currentBarNumber = #1 } % Choir, soprano csBG = \relative c'' { d4 d d8( es) f4 | d2 r4 d | \bar "|:" d4 d d e | f4 f2 f4 | \bar ":|:" g4 g g8( d) d4 | es2 r4 d8( es) | f4 es8( d) d4. c8 | c4 c2 r4 | r2 r4 f8( es) | d8( c) bes( a) g4 g'8( f) | \bar ":|" } BGb = \lyricmode { E -- lis -- sa dies to -- night, And Car -- thage flames to -- mor -- row! } BGa = \lyricmode { % De -- struc -- tion's our de -- light, De -- ligth our great -- est sor -- row; \BGb } lcsBG = \lyricmode { \BGa Ho ho ho ho! ho } % Choir, alto caBG = \relative g' { bes4 bes bes a | bes2 r4 bes | bes4 bes bes bes | a4 a2 f4 | f4 d g g | g2 r4 g | as4 as g4. g8 | es4 c2 es8( d) | c8( bes) a( g) f f( g a) | bes2 r8 g( a bes) | } lcaBG = \lyricmode { \BGa Ho ho ho ho ho ho! ho } % Choir, tenor ctBG = \relative c' { f4 f f f | f2 r4 f | f f g g | f4 f2 d4 | d4 d es8( b) b4 | c2 r4 g | c4 c b4. c8 | c4 c2 r4 | r2 r4 d8( c) | bes8( a) g( f) es4 es'8( d) | } lctBG = \lyricmode { \BGa Ho ho ho ho! ho } % Choir, bass cbBG = \relative f { bes4 bes bes f | bes2 r4 bes | bes4 bes g g | d'4 d2 d4 | b4 b g g | c2 r4 bes | as4 f g4. g8 | c,4 c2 c'8( bes) | a8( g) f( es) d2 | r8 bes8( c d) es2 | } lcbBG = \lyricmode { \BGa Ho ho ho ho! ho ho! } \score { << \sca \new StaffGroup % \new ChoirStaff \with { % \override BarLine #'glyph = #"" \override SpanBar #'glyph = #"|" } << \new Staff \context Voice = vcsBG { \sta { \keyBG \clefcs \csBG } } \new Lyrics \lyricsto vcsBG \lcsBG \new Staff \context Voice = vcaBG { \sta { \keyBG \clefca \caBG } } \new Lyrics \lyricsto vcaBG \lcaBG \new Staff \context Voice = vctBG { \sta { \keyBG \clefct \ctBG } } \new Lyrics \lyricsto vctBG \lctBG \new Staff \context Voice = vcbBG { \sta % \override Staff.SpanBar #'transparent = ##t { \keyBG \clefcb \cbBG } } \new Lyrics \lyricsto vcbBG { % \override BarLine #'transparent = ##t \lcbBG } >> >> \layout { raggedright = ##t % \context { % \Staff % \override BarLine #'glyph = #":" % } % \context { % \Lyrics % \consists Bar_engraver % %% need procedure, since lyrics doesn't have a staff_sym engraver. % \override BarLine #'glyph = #"|" % \override BarLine #'bar-size-procedure = #(lambda (x) 5.0) % } } }
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