Hello Wol,

That is more or less a different thing, since you want a different 
notation for that, specifying both the fret of the note and of the 
harmonic. When transcribing some Pastorius I defined a little 
function for that which gives such results:

\version "2.20"

artificialHarmonicTab =
#(define-music-function (fret1 fret2 music)
                        (number? number? ly:music?)
                          \harmonicByFret #(- fret2 fret1) {
                            \temporary \override TabNoteHead #'stencil =
                            #(lambda (grob)
                              (grob-interpret-markup grob
                               \markup \lower #0.6 \concat {
                                 #(number->string fret1)
                                 \override #'(angularity . 2)
                                 \parenthesize {
                                   #(number->string fret2)
                            \revert TabNoteHead #'stencil

\new TabStaff {
  \artificialHarmonicTab 2 6 b\5

\new Staff {
  \artificialHarmonicTab 2 6 b\5

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