

A quick examination of pieces in my collection showed that the following 
editions did not use brackets for the pedal, rather Ped. * was used.

Paragon, Fryderyka Chopin Institute, Breitkopf & Hartel, and Edwin F. Kalmus. 




From: lilypond-user [] 
On Behalf Of Paolo PreteykaSent: Thursday, June 25, 2020 2:17 PM
To: Flaming Hakama by Elaine <>
Cc: Lilypond-User Mailing List <>
Subject: Re: Pedal cautionary after a line break (current status and 






By the way, the Type::Enhancement label expresses no judgement about wether the
issue is a major one. It's to be understood as opposed to Type::Defect: this 
is about an enhancement because the current output is consistent and there is
no crash.

I opened .


I would not proceed in this way.

The lack of a cautionary pedal on a bracket could be seen as an enhancement 
only in a self-referential context, which doesn't make sense to me. A proper 
way to proceed is to check what modern professional engravers do with it, and 
check as a consequence if Lilypond is coherent with them (-> common practice) 

AFAIK nobody uses a bracket without a starting word in professional engraving, 
it would have too many bad side effects. And opening an issue as an enhancement 
IMHO will weaken the urgency of fixing this.







Not that anyone asked my opinion, but I feel compelled to point out:


1) There should NOT be any sense of urgency, since nothing is broken.  It just 
doesn't work the way you want to, it's not as good as it could be.  There are 
workarounds.  It is something that is needed in surely less than 1% of all 
sheet music, so it is practically speaking, irrelevant.


This percentage is meaningless for me. I would ask, instead: "how many scores 
published by professional engravers do use a pedal bracket with a cautionary 
text? "

AFAIK, 100%, not 1%.

But this is what I know, and I could be wrong. Then I asked for counterexamples 
(to Kieren, in the previous post).


If I'm right, then the pedal brackets are pretty unusable, at the moment, 
without a hack.


If I'm wrong, I agree there should not be any sense of urgency, as you wrote.



2) Your complaining about the lilypond community process for how the issue was 
tagged will probably reduce anyone's interest in working on it.  So, even if 
you do succeed in getting it tagged as more urgent, it will likely be a pyrrhic 



I won't see the thing like a battle of someone against someone else. It's an 
interesting question which deserves further study, IMHO.










Elaine Alt <> 


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