Hi all,

there's a method of harmonic analysis (»Bassstufen« in German) that
works by having numbers in a main layer plus option bass figures on
top. There are at least two flavours or this analysis markup: the
original one from the 18th century with bare numbers for the bass
steps, and at least one modern variant with additional markup. Attached
you'll find one example.

For a proper handling I need to combine this into *one* command (the
example was created with separate Lyrics and BassFigures contexts).

Is there a way to add arbitrary markup to bass figures or to add bass
figures to markup (maybe the easier way round)? Of course I know how to
add the music font numbers to a markup, but it would be nice (and less
error-prone) not having to reimplement LilyPond's bass figure

Has anyone done that already? Thoughts?


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