Hi I'd like to put a circle round occasional fingering marks. I have tried *\circle*, but seem to have no control of the resulting thickness nor of the font features. I can find no way to customize the fingering font within the *\circle: *I always get some error message or other.
I tried \draw-circle, but that's a kludge and I can't make it overlap. What I'd really like is to set up the fingering font attributes at the Score level so that I don't have to reset them every time I use fingering in a music expression. Perhaps that would encourage *\circle* to use them. In the following example, I'd really like to see a fingering on the e which has a bold red circle around it and properly centred. It would be good if it could handle tweaks to the Y-offset too because the circle might collide with other things. Thanks Paul McKay Example: \version "2.20.0" customFingering = { \override Fingering.font-name = "Arial Black" \override Fingering.font-size = #-1 \override Fingering.color = #(x11-color "DarkRed") } tune = \relative { \customFingering c'4 d-2 e -\markup { { \circle \finger "3" } } g-5-\tweak Y-offset 5 -\markup {\center-align \draw-circle #1 #.5 ##f } } \score { << \time 4/4 \new Staff \tune >> \layout {} }