On Mon, Jun 15, 2020 at 10:32 PM Aaron Hill <lilyp...@hillvisions.com> wrote:
> On 2020-06-15 5:57 pm, Freeman Gilmore wrote:
> > Thank you Aaron.  :
> >
> > In order to ask my question, not knowing how to ask, I simplified it
> > too much.   The one or both of the first two below  may work but i do
> > not know how to apply them.
> This is a meta problem I have often struggled with.  While trying to
> solve problem A on my own, I encounter problem B of which I need help.
> So I seek guidance on problem B while omitting the context of problem A.
>   The answers found might address problem B but do not work well in the
> greater context.  The philosophical question is whether I should have
> originally framed my question about problem B with the scope of problem
> A or if I should have simply asked about problem A and allow the natural
> discussion to bring up problem B on its own.
> Seeing more of what you have in mind below, I am confused about its
> connection with LilyPond.  On the one hand, I think I can help you
> wrangle your text in the way you want; but I am worried that we are
> fighting a bit of the meta problem above.  What is this text intended to
> represent with regards to music?

Microtonal accidentals, some of my own.

> What are the semantics of the transformation you want to apply?

The string example is an exaggerated but posable string of
accidentals, used for a note.
Applied as a ligather using a list of strings
>  Could there be another way to express
> things that might be easier to work with or that might better fit the
> patterns of LilyPond?

Not for what I want to try.

> Mind you, the answers to those questions would be taking us from the
> narrow problem into the broader scope.  And perhaps only you truly
> benefit from answering them.
> > Say I have "-y -ax3 +rx2 -stx2 t"

"y" could represent  one of my accidentals, "-y" inverted.   "-ax3" ,
one of my accidentals ,
"-a" used 3 times; like a flag, but needs to be inverted to "-x3".
"+rx2" needs a space like "+r x2".   "t" standard accidental. All "+" removed.
"-y -ax3 +rx2 -stx2 t" becomes "-y -a -x3 r x2 -st -x2 t" , then convert to list
 ("-y" "-a" "-x3" "r" "x2" "-st" "-x2" "t").

> >   I wanted, if  "-" followed "x"  before a space, then replace the "x" with 
> > " -x" for each.    If I use
> > "(^-.*)x" "-y -ax3 +rx2 -stx2 t"  'pre 1 " -x" 'post) , from what I
> > have read, this would happen at the first "x" from the right.   So
> > that will not work.
> Ah, there are at least two critical pieces of information I overlooked.
> The prefix in question does not necessarily occur at the beginning of
> the string.  Also, the string we are looking for might occur multiple
> times so we want the nearest match.
> We can address this as follows by being more precise in our regular
> expression.
> /^/ becomes /(^|\s)/
> Here we are using alteration to assert that we are either at the
> beginning of the string or that we have just seen a whitespace
> character.
> /.*/ becomes /[^x]*/
> All quantifiers in POSIX ERE (and thusly GNU ERE) are greedy, so care
> must be taken to limit what can be matched so we do not grab too much.
> We do not want an "x" to be matched, so we use a negated character
> class.
> Let us see this working:
> ;;;;
> (regexp-substitute/global #f
>    "((^|\\s)-[^x]*)(x)"
>    "-y -ax3 +rx2 -stx2 t"
>    'pre 1 " -" 3 'post)
> ;;;;
> ====
> "-y -a -x3 +rx2 -st -x2 t"
> ====
> Seems good.  But therein lies the problem with test-driven development
> (TDD).  Our code will only be as good as our test cases, which is why we
> are instructed to "test everything that can possibly break".  There is a
> hidden problem above due to using /[^x]*/.  This matches more than what
> we want.  In particular, it matches whitespace.
> The first substitution in the above example was not effectively
> operating on "-ax3" but rather on "-y -ax3".  The end result looks
> correct, but what if we had said "-y +ax3"?  This would have been
> matched because we included whitespace, resulting in "-y +a -x3", which
> is presumably incorrect.
> The fix is simple: add [:space:] to the negated character class.  Below
> I have amended the test string to include "-z +bx4" which should remain
> unchanged.
> ;;;;
> (regexp-substitute/global #f
>    "((^|\\s)-[^x[:space:]]*)(x)"
>    "-y -ax3 +rx2 -stx2 t -z +bx4"
>    'pre 1 " -" 3 'post)
> ;;;;
> ====
> "-y -a -x3 +rx2 -st -x2 t -z +bx4"
> ====
> What about "-x"?  Our expression will match that because we are using
> the zero-or-more quantifier (*).  The resulting substitution, "- -x", is
> probably not what we want.  We should ensure that there is at least one
> non-"x" character:
> ;;;;
> (regexp-substitute/global #f
>    "((^|\\s)-[^x[:space:]]+)(x)"
>    "-y -ax3 +rx2 -stx2 t -z +bx4 -x"
>    'pre 1 " -" 3 'post)
> ;;;;
> ====
> "-y -a -x3 +rx2 -st -x2 t -z +bx4 -x"
> ====
> > My next step was to convert the string to a list of strings.  So if i
> > convert first, "-y -ax3 +rx2 -stx2 t" =>  ("-y" "-ax3" "+rx2" "-stx2"
> > "t") .   I would guess that one or both of the first two below could
> > be applied to the list of strings.    But i do not have a clue?
> > Starting with "-y -ax3 +rx2 -stx2 t" , ending with ("-y" "-a" "-x3"
> > "+rx2" "-st" "-x2" "t")
> This approach could be made to work as well.  Having split the original
> string by whitespace, we no longer have to worry about its impact in our
> expression.  We trade off having a simpler regular expression while
> requiring more logic outside.
> ;;;;
> (map
>    (lambda (str)
>      (regexp-substitute/global #f
>        "(^-[^x]+)(x)" str
>        'pre 1 " -" 2 'post))
>    (string-split "-y -ax3 +rx2 -stx2 t -z +bx4 -x" #\sp))
> ;;;;
> ====
> ("-y" "-a -x3" "+rx2" "-st -x2" "t" "-z" "+bx4" "-x")

No should be ("-y" "-a" "-x3" "+rx2" "-st" "-x2" "t" "-z" "+bx4" "-x")
> ====
> Close.  Where we go from here depends on what you actually need.  Do you
> want to reconstitute the original string with spaces?  If so, just use
> string-join.  It will not matter that some elements have spaces already.
> ;;;;
> (string-join
>    (map
>      (lambda (str)
>        (regexp-substitute/global #f
>          "(^-[^x]+)(x)" str
>          'pre 1 " -" 2 'post))
>      (string-split "-y -ax3 +rx2 -stx2 t -z +bx4 -x" #\sp))
>    " ")
> ;;;;
> ====
> "-y -a -x3 +rx2 -st -x2 t -z +bx4 -x"
> ====
> Let us say you want a list, not a string.  Do you want items like "-a
> -x3" to become separate elements?  Then an additional usage of
> string-split could work.  Although then you would have a list of lists.
> So in that case, you need to append the individual lists into one:
> ;;;;
> (apply append
>    (map
>      (lambda (str)
>        (string-split
>          (regexp-substitute/global #f
>            "(^-[^x]+)(x)" str
>            'pre 1 " -" 2 'post)
>          #\sp))
>      (string-split "-y -ax3 +rx2 -stx2 t -z +bx4 -x" #\sp)))
> ;;;;
> ====
> ("-y" "-a" "-x3" "+rx2" "-st" "-x2" "t" "-z" "+bx4" "-x")

This is what i want.

This will work but see above for the final list.

> ====
Thank you, ƒg
> -- Aaron Hill

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