Hello, It is very important, IMHO, to have a sustain pedal cautionary after a line break. Otherwise, when we use two simultaneous pedal brackets the music becomes absolutely unreadable.
Looking at this thread: http://lilypond.1069038.n5.nabble.com/Sustain-pedal-cautionary-after-line-break-td186551.html 1) can you tell me if the feature has been implemented since then (the thread is dated 2016)? 2) Kieren's solution seems the best one to me, because it preserves the lilypond syntax for the pedal functions. However, is there a way to alert the user if there is a line break during a pedal? In this way I can be pretty sure I won't forget to add Kieren's tweak at this break. Otherwise, it's very easy to mess up the score, because you have to check *all* the pedals manually, which is strongly error-prone, especially when the systems are modified. A better approach would be to warn the user if there is a break during a pedal AND there's not a cautionary text at that point. Any other suggestion is *really* welcome Thanks very much for your help. P