Hi Stacy,
How about:

\version "2.20.0"

\score {
\new TabStaff \relative c {
  << { <d\5>1 } \\ { \harmonicByFret #5 <g\3>1 } >>


Le dim. 14 juin 2020 à 00:25, Stacy Fatemi <eclecticb...@gmail.com> a
écrit :

> Hey list,
> I'm notating a song on bass that requires playing two strings at once, the
> bottom being a root note and the top being a 5th fret harmonic, but it
> seems like neither \harmonicByFret nor \harmonicByRatio work within a
> chord. Is there a way around this?
> \score {
> \new TabStaff \relative c {
>   <d\5 \harmonicByFret #5 g\3>1
>   }
> }

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