Павел <budanov.pa...@gmail.com> writes:

> See these two examples. They are almost same except angle brackets. In
> first example slur behaves correctly, but in second does not.
> \version "2.20.0"
> {
>     \new Voice = "first" { g'8 f'( }
>     \context Voice = "first" << <e')>4 <b b'> >>
>     \new Voice = "second" { g'8 f'( }
>     \context Voice = "second" << e'4) <b b'> >>
> }

I disagree with that assessment.  Yours is just a complicated way of

\version "2.20.0"
    \new Voice = "first" { g'8 f'( <e') b b'>4 }
    \new Voice = "second" { g'8 f'( <e' b b'>4) }

<< >> places constructs in parallel, here into the same Voice.  The
first line uses an in-chord slur ending which is drawn to a specific
note head, the second line uses a per-Voice slur ending which is drawn
to the whole chord.  e'4) is essentially the same as <e'>4) .

David Kastrup

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