Please keep lilypond-related stuff on the mailist, so that other people canWell, up to now I've been using your first way, with the result as can be seen in the attached pdf.
see the answers in the mailing list archives.
On 30-Mar-05, at 1:25 PM, Jeffrey Philpott wrote:
Please update your lilypond-book file; use "staffsize=23" instead of the old way.
Sorry that I didn't set the info as necessary, I'm still learning to get around these mailing-lists!
You say update my lilypond-book file, but I'm not sure what this means. At the moment I have #(set-global-staff-size 23) in a lilypond file which when I \include it in a lilypond-book file, the notes are just a mess, while with #(set-global-staff-size 20) there are no problems. So I tried just writing the code into the lilypond-book file and got the above output, following coding:
That "23pt" is the old way of setting size. staffsize=23 is the new way. fragment-options.html
So where should I put "staffsize=23", especially as I have a lot of files to include, without hardwriting them into the lilypond-book file!
If you don't want it in the lilypond-book file, you don't need to -- just delete
the 23pt.
What I'm trying to say is: I have 38 songs which I need in one pdf file for the printing firm, and the easiest way as I see it is to use \lilypondfile in the lilypond-book file to produce it. Anyway I'm attaching the relevant files and hope that there is some way of getting around this problem!
Hmm... I'm not certain that I understand exactly what the problem is.
There are three ways to set the size of these songs. Pick one: 1) Inside each file, include #(set-global-staff-size 23)
2) Inside each file, include \include{} has: #(set-global-staff-size 23) and possibly other things. The advantage to this method is that you can easily change the settings of everything at once.
3) Inside the everything.lytex file, do this \lilypondfile[staffsize=23pt]{} for all 38 entries. Not recommended. :)
I hope that clarifies things, - Graham
I wanted to give a small example, but now I get the following errors:
(/usr/share/texmf/tex/lilypond/feta20.tex)) (./liederbuchtest.aux) (./lily-249709330.tex (/usr/share/texmf/tex/lilypond/lilyponddefs.tex (/usr/share/texmf/tex/lilypond/feta20.tex) (/usr/share/texmf/tex/lilypond/lily-ps-defs.tex)) ! Undefined control sequence. \magfontKJJRBomPYo ->\lilypondfontencoding {T1}\lilypondmagfontKJJRBomPYo l.49 } \interscoreline
In the log file:
(./lily-249709330.tex (/usr/share/texmf/tex/lilypond/lilyponddefs.tex (/usr/share/texmf/tex/lilypond/feta20.tex) (/usr/share/texmf/tex/lilypond/lily-ps-defs.tex) \outputscale=\dimen116 \scoreshift=\dimen117 ) ! Undefined control sequence. \magfontKJJRBomPYo ->\lilypondfontencoding {T1}\lilypondmagfontKJJRBomPYo l.49 } \interscoreline ? q OK, entering \batchmode... ! Undefined control sequence. \magfontKJJRBomPYo ->\lilypondfontencoding {T1}\lilypondmagfontKJJRBomPYo l.49 } \interscoreline The control sequence at the end of the top line of your error message was never \def'ed. If you have misspelled it (e.g., `\hobx'), type `I' and the correct spelling (e.g., `I\hbox'). Otherwise just continue, and I'll forget about whatever was undefined.
So now I can't produce anything at the moment.
Greetings Jeffrey
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