thanks, the make -C mf get-pfa solved the problem!
I had seen the make get-pfa in the install.txt but there was not a -C mf parameter along with it... That did the trick!

Got the thing installed now! yay! :-D
Something of an old bug report: the midi file does not show the lyrics, and I am going to attempt to get this working again... now that I can compile it on my own and see what works and what not... I suppose I have to join the developers mailing list for questions regarding this... so won't bugger you folks with it... unless someone is working on this issue, I will keep trying out and figuring out what is going on... I know little about midi, and seeing the object-oriented way lily is made it will take me some time to get "into" the things...

Doug Asherman wrote:
Michiel Lange said:
Okay, I gave compiling myself a try again... after the required
encouragements ;-)

I had to install mftraced (downloaded, configure, make all, make
install), and even before that potrace, same way...

You also have to install t1utils. These should be available at

Also, look at the get-pfa target in the mf directory. Before doing a 'make
all' from the top level, you can:

make -C mf get-pfa

This will take a lot of time away from the build.

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