At 11:41 on 30 May 2020, Wim van Dommelen wrote:
> Hi Carl,
> When I go to:  I see three(3) 
> builds/packages (2.19.83, 2.18.2 and 2.20.0), each with a link to a tar.gz 
> file. Downloading, unpacking and dowloading each gives me a 
> directory with the usual files underneath it. Running this .app file is 
> caught by the Apple security check, so I lowered my defenses temporarily by 
> allowing this app to proceed. Btw, bottomline it downloads it from 
> . I can only assume this is safe (-(|..
> (It would be nice to have a sha checksum so I can test that file indeed to be 
> what marnen produced originally.)

There is a sha256 checksum on each download page, e.g.:

> Running from the Mac Applications folder then works, the example-file does a 
> typeset, I will test more later on.
> Running it as a command-line program (for make or any script wanting to 
> compile a set of music) is yet another problem, it complains about the Python 
> Info.plist being badly formatted, it doesn't produce the minimum "--version" 
> output but hangs in that. Have to look into that later also...  
> --version seems to run though.
> But when I then browse around a little bit to get some feeling of what this 
> platform is, whether it is something I could use, I see a button "Pricing" 
> ($150/month?, Open Source registration in the bottom), "Sign in", "Start your 
> free trial", etc. That gets me feel a little uncomfortable. Is this wrapping 
> everything, where will we end?
> Regards,
> Wim.
>> On 29 May 2020, at 23:32 , Carl Sorensen <> wrote:
>> Wim,
>> I'm not sure what you mean by these things.
>> The links worked perfectly for me, and there was neither registration nor a 
>> charge.
>> Carl
>> On 5/29/20, 12:39 PM, "Wim van Dommelen" <> wrote:
>> Hi Karlin,
>> I've seen this setup. It has (at least) two problems:
>> - most of the links are broken, trying to do a straightforward download is 
>> almost impossible
>> - when I register myself, I'am to pay for this platform
>> Has LilyPond come so far now?, When will it be ready to be sold out and 
>> split for other people's profit?
>> Regards,
>> Wim.
>>> On 29 May 2020, at 19:43 , Karlin High <> wrote:
>>> On 5/29/2020 11:29 AM, Wim van Dommelen wrote:
>>>> Is there somebody already working on a proper 64-bit compile of LilyPond 
>>>> for the new Mac OS X 10.15.4 "Catalina" version?
>>> Yes: Marnen Laibow-Koser has produced this.
>>> I haven't seen a build yet for the 2.21 series, though.
>>> --
>>> Karlin High
>>> Missouri, USA

Mark Knoop

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