On 5/27/20, Aaron Hill <lilyp...@hillvisions.com> wrote: > Apologies for hijacking the thread.
No apology needed. > The link you provided worked for me > without needing an account. What level of access are you talking about? > Is it something a mere mortal like me (i.e. someone who is not > currently a collaborator nor contributor) would need? Well, you most certainly *are* a contributor judging by the number of helpful replies, nifty tricks and brilliant snippets you post each week on the list :-) The GitLab pages are publicly accessible (and I strongly hope they’ll remain so); with a GitLab account I *think* there are a few things one can do (post comments? open issues? unsure), but being referenced as a project member gives you more access, to take part in patch reviewing, to be assigned some issues and to be more easily CC-ed in various discussions. I’d be delighted to see you get involved in that sort of stuff, but that’s up to you of course! Cheers, -- V.