On Tue 26 May 2020 at 13:06:50 (-0400), Fr. Samuel Springuel wrote:
> > On 26 May, 2020, at 12:09 PM, Timothy Lanfear <timo...@lanfear.me> wrote:
> > 
> > Maybe this code can give some hints on how to decide if midi is being 
> > produced.
> That’s the first code I’ve seen that’s been able to definitively show when a 
> midi file is being produced.  Thank you.
> Now, there is the issue of it being inside the book block, which makes it 
> harder to incorporate into something like parse-only.ly (which generally 
> operates either before or after all input is read), but at least it gives me 
> a starting point for something to play with.

Because of the inability to collate multiple MIDI files, I've always
renamed them. I tee the log into a nonce file, which I grep for their
names in a postprocessing script. (I then trash the log unless there
was an error code, in which case I leave it, renaming it foo.error.)

End of main script:

    "$Youngestlily" "$Pointclick" --include="$HOME"/LilyLib/… … 
"$Sourcefilename" 2>&1 | tee "$Unique";
    [ $PIPESTATUS -ne 0 ] && Lilyerror="ERROR";
    midirename "$Unique";
    if [ -z "$Lilyerror" ]; then
        rm -f "${Sourcefilename/%.ly/.error}";
        printf '\n%s\n\n' "$Lilyerror";
        mv "$Unique" "${Sourcefilename/%.ly/.error}";
        return 2;
    fi )

Fragment of midirename script:

    grep -e '^MIDI output to `' "$1" | sed -e 's/^[^`]*.//;s/.\.\.\.$//' >> 

PDFs show up in the same way, but not PNGs (which aren't in my own workflow).


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