> On 25 May, 2020, at 1:01 PM, Shane Brandes <shane.bran...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Increase the spacing-increment on line twenty. I tried a value of 2 and it 
> worked fine.
> regards,
> Shane

Yep, playing with that parameter allowed me to tweak the note spacing to 
prevent the collisions.  I also found that by tweaking a couple of the other 
parameters I could get a spacing effect that I liked even better.  Thanks for 

However, I’ve found another problem, this time related to \set stanza in the 
lyrics.  Seems that the width of the text set that way is not being accounted 

Fr. Samuel, OSB
(R. Padraic Springuel)
St. Anselm’s Abbey
4501 South Dakota Ave, NE
Washington, DC, 20017
(c) 202-853-7036


Attachment: slur spacing.ly
Description: Binary data

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