So here you go. Cheers, Pierre (typos possible) Le jeu. 21 mai 2020 à 19:09, Pierre Perol-Schneider <> a écrit :
> Right, I did that quickly without checking the whole score. > Also, as I use \fixed, I found it faster to type. > But again, you're right, it's a single voice. > Cheers, > Pierre > > Le jeu. 21 mai 2020 à 18:29, Lukas-Fabian Moser <> a écrit : > >> Hi Pierre, >> >> Am 21.05.20 um 15:53 schrieb Pierre Perol-Schneider: >> > >> > Here's a template, made as clear as possible, in a fixed mode (no >> > relative). >> > (First measures taken from: >> > >> >> ) >> > >> But what's the point in using _both_ >> >> - \change Staff (which is needed anyway for the cross-staff stem >> situations) >> >> and >> >> - two separate voices for the alto voice, which is in reality (so to >> speak) one single straying voice in search for a staff with a clef >> suitable for its pitches? >> >> Best >> Lukas >> >>
\version "2.20.0" %\pointAndClickOff <= at the end #(set-global-staff-size 18.5) % <= maybe a better size ? rhSoprano = \fixed c' { | % mes.1 R1 | % mes.2 d'4\rest d'8\rest b cis'4 d'16\rest fis gis ais | % mes.3 b16 ais b cis' dis' e' fis' dis' b a b cis' b a b cis' | % mes.4 a16 gis a b a gis a b gis fis gis ais b4~ | % mes.5 4 ais b8 b' dis' fis' | % mes.6 \shape #'((0 . 0.5) (0 . 1.5) (0 . 1.5) (0 . 0)) Tie b2~ 8 a? gis e' | % mes.7 fis'4 d'16\rest b cis' dis' e' dis' e' fis' gis' a' b' gis' | % mes.8 e'16 dis' e' fis' e' dis' e' fis' dis' cis' dis' e' fis' gis' a'!8~ | % mes.9 1 | % mes.10 s1 | % mes.11 s1 | % mes.12 s1 | % mes.13 s1 | % mes.14 s1 | % mes.15 s1 | % mes.16 s1 | % mes.17 s1 | % mes.18 s1 | % mes.19 s1 | % mes.20 s1 | % mes.21 s1 | % mes.22 s1 | % mes.23 s1 | % mes.24 s1 | % mes.25 s1 | % mes.26 s1 | % mes.27 s1 | % mes.28 s1 | % mes.29 s1 \bar "|." } rhAlto = \fixed c' { | % mes.1 e4\rest e8\rest e fis4 e16\rest b, cis dis | % mes.2 e16 dis e fis gis a b gis e dis e fis e dis e fis | % mes.3 dis16 cis dis e fis gis a fis gis8 \change Staff = "LH" \stemUp\tieUp b, e4~ | % mes.4 8 dis \change Staff = "RH" \stemDown\tieDown fis4~ 8 b, e dis | % mes.5 dis2 b,8 e\rest e4\rest | % mes.6 e8\rest e' gis b e fis4 \change Staff = "LH" \stemUp\tieUp e8 | % mes.7 e4 dis8 \change Staff = "RH" \stemDown\tieDown fis \change Staff = "LH" \stemUp\tieUp b,4 c'8\rest \change Staff = "RH" \stemDown\tieDown b | % mes.8 cis'4 g16\rest fis gis ais b ais b cis' dis' e' fis' dis' | % mes.9 s1 | % mes.10 s1 | % mes.11 s1 | % mes.12 s1 | % mes.13 s1 | % mes.14 s1 | % mes.15 s1 | % mes.16 s1 | % mes.17 s1 | % mes.18 s1 | % mes.19 s1 | % mes.20 s1 | % mes.21 s1 | % mes.22 s1 | % mes.23 s1 | % mes.24 s1 | % mes.25 s1 | % mes.26 s1 | % mes.27 s1 | % mes.28 s1 | % mes.29 s1 \bar "|." } lhBasse = { | % mes.1 s1 | % mes.2 s1 | % mes.3 d2\rest b,4\rest b,8\rest e | % mes.4 fis4 c16\rest b, cis dis e dis e fis gis a! b gis | % mes.5 e16 dis e fis e dis e fis dis cis dis e fis gis a fis | % mes.6 gis16 fis gis a b cis' d' b cis' b cis' dis' e' dis' cis' b | % mes.7 a16 gis a b a gis a b gis8 fis e dis | % mes.8 cis8 b ais fis b d\rest d4\rest | % mes.9 s1 | % mes.10 s1 | % mes.11 s1 | % mes.12 s1 | % mes.13 s1 | % mes.14 s1 | % mes.15 s1 | % mes.16 s1 | % mes.17 s1 | % mes.18 s1 | % mes.19 s1 | % mes.20 s1 | % mes.21 s1 | % mes.22 s1 | % mes.23 s1 | % mes.24 s1 | % mes.25 s1 | % mes.26 s1 | % mes.27 s1 | % mes.28 s1 | % mes.29 s1 \bar "|." } \paper { page-count = 2 ragged-last-bottom = ##f } \header { title = "Das wohltemperierte Klavier I" composer = "Johann Sebastian Bach" piece = "Fuga IX" opus = "BWV 854" instrument = "Piano" } \score { \new PianoStaff << \new Staff = RH \with { %% Possibly: \override VerticalAxisGroup.staff-staff-spacing.basic-distance = 10 } << \new Voice { \key e\major \voiceOne \rhSoprano } \new Voice { \key e\major \voiceTwo \rhAlto } >> \new Staff = LH { \clef F \key e\major \voiceTwo \lhBasse } >> \layout { indent = 10 system-count = 12 } \midi { \tempo 4 = 72 } }