Thank you very much!

That was exactly, what I was looking for! As I've only got one chant to
transcribe, the time it takes to tweak every single melisma is no problem.

All the best

Am Do., 7. Mai 2020 um 21:39 Uhr schrieb Valentin Villenave <>:

> On 5/7/20, Christian Masser <> wrote:
> > I am currently working on my Master thesis and would like to show parts
> of
> > gregorian chants in modern notation for comparison purposes.
> Greetings, good luck for your thesis!
> > Is it possible to get the note heads even closer together, so that they
> are
> > kind of glued together? Probably someone did this before but I wasn't
> able
> > to find it yet.
> Well for once, you could use \omit rather than \hide, since with \hide
> the graphical objects still take up horizontal space. Next you can
> shrink the NoteHead object’s horizontal extent (rather than the
> BarLine), but the results will look quite ugly quite fast,
> particularly with regard to the lyrics:
> %%%%
> spiritus = \relative {
>   \time 1/4
>   \override Lyrics.LyricText.X-extent  = #'(0 . 3)
>   d'4 \tuplet 3/2 { f8 a g } g a a4 g f8 e
>   d4 f8 g g8 d f g a g f4 g8 a a4  s
>   \tuplet 3/2 { g8 f d } e f g a g4
> }
> spirLyr = \lyricmode {
>   Spi -- ri -- _ _ tus  _ Do -- mi -- ni  _ re -- ple -- _ vit _
>   or -- _ bem _  ter -- ra -- _ rum, al -- _ _ le -- _ lu
>   -- _ ia.
> }
> \score {
>   \new Staff <<
>     \new Voice = "chant" \spiritus
>     \new Lyrics = "one" \lyricsto "chant" \spirLyr
>   >>
>   \layout {
>     \context {
>       \Staff
>       \remove "Time_signature_engraver"
>       %\override BarLine.X-extent = #'(-1 . 1)
>       \omit Stem
>       \omit Beam
>       \omit BarLine
>       \omit TupletNumber
>       \override NoteHead.X-extent = #'(-0.1 . 0.1)
>     }
>   }
> %%%%
> Cheers,
> -- V.
> }

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