On Thu, May 7, 2020 at 11:32 PM Aaron Hill <lilyp...@hillvisions.com> wrote:
> On 2020-05-07 7:22 pm, Freeman Gilmore wrote:
> > Need lots of help this.   Starting with this:
> >
> > sum = #(lambda x
> >    (define A (apply + x))
> >    (display A))
> >
> > #(sum 2 3 4 5)     %  14 (from LilyPond Log)
> >
> > I am guessing from reading “Extending LilyPond“ the above could be maid
> > into:
> >
> > function =
> >    (define-void-function
> >    (arg1 arg2 …)
> >    (type1? type2? …)
> >    body)
> >
> > This is one of my many tries: but nothing works:
> >
> > sum = #(define-void-function  (x)
> >    (lambda x
> >    (define A (apply + x))
> >    (display A)))
> >
> > {\sum 2 3 4}
> There are several things going on here.
> The lambda construct supports a few patterns for specifying the formals:
>    (lambda (a b c) ...)
>    (lambda args ...)
>    (lambda (x y . z) ...)
> In the first case, the lambda has fixed arity of three and will bind the
> arguments to the provided names in order, first argument to left-most
> name.
> In the second case, the lambda has unbounded variable arity and will
> bind the arguments as a list to the provided name.
> In the third case, the lambda has variable arity requiring at least two
> arguments though having no maximum.  Those first two arguments will bind
> to the provided names in a manner similar to the first case where all
> other arguments are bound to the final name as a list as in the second
> case.
> The define-*-function family of macros support the same syntax for
> defining formals, however they also require specifying the signature of
> the function using a list of type predicates:
>    (define-music-function (a b c) (type? type? type?) ...)
>    (define-scheme-function args (type? type? type? type?) ...)
>    (define-void-function (x y . z) (type? type? type? type? type?) ...)
> Since the list of type predicates is finite, the arity of the syntax
> function is bounded.  The second case above, for instance, accepts
> exactly four arguments and binds them to args as a list.  In a similar
> manner, the third case above accepts precisely five arguments--the first
> two bind to x and y respectively, whereas the rest bind to z as a list.
> Note that the signature does support optional arguments providing there
> can be no confusion for other types and that the final type predicate is
> non-optional.  So the arity of these syntax functions can be variable,
> but they will always have a minimum and maximum bound.
> Attempting to apply this to your sum function:
> %%%%
> \version "2.20.0"
> sum =
> #(define-void-function
>    args
>    (number? number? number?)
>    (format #t "\nargs: ~s, sum: ~s" args (apply + args)))
> \sum 2 3 5
> \sum 8 13
> \sum 21 34 55 89
> %%%%
> ====
> GNU LilyPond 2.20.0
> Processing `lambda-args.ly'
> Parsing...
> args: (2 3 5), sum: 10
> args: (21 34 55), sum: 110
> lambda-args.ly:11:1: error: wrong type for argument 3.
>    Expecting number, found #<unspecified>
> \sum 21 34 55 89
> lambda-args.ly:11:15: error: syntax error, unexpected UNSIGNED
> \sum 21 34 55
>                89
> fatal error: failed files: "lambda-args.ly"
> ====
> The problem here is that \sum requires no fewer than and no more than
> three arguments, which is unlikely to be of much use.
> We could make \sum more useful by accepting a list of numbers:
> %%%%
> \version "2.20.0"
> sum =
> #(define-void-function
>    (args)
>    (number-list?)
I know the the function uses a list for this because of the
undetermined number of args as the lambda procedure did.   In
(number-list?) how do you know what goes here, say it is not a number,
like a list of similes?
>    (format #t "\nargs: ~s, sum: ~s" args (apply + args)))
I do not have a clue what this all means "(format #t "\nargs: ~s, sum:
~s" args"   Where can i find this information?
> \sum 2, 3, 5
Tried this and {a \sum2,3,5 b} (note spacing) and it worked, which is
what i was looking for.   But {a \sum 2, -3, 5 b} does not work?   How
to fix this so it does?

Thank you, ƒg

> \sum 8, 13
> \sum 21, 34, 55, 89
> %%%%
> ====
> GNU LilyPond 2.20.0
> Processing `lambda-args.ly'
> Parsing...
> args: (2 3 5), sum: 10
> args: (8 13), sum: 21
> args: (21 34 55 89), sum: 199
> Success: compilation successfully completed
> ====
> This works because the parser knows how to look for a comma-separated
> list of numbers of which can be matched by the number-list? type
> predicate.  But note that this list counts as a single argument, so we
> need to specify the formals as (args), not args.  If we omitted the
> parentheses, then args would be bound to a list containing the list of
> numbers.
> -- Aaron Hill

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