On 2020/4/26 15:13, Thomas Morley wrote:
Am So., 26. Apr. 2020 um 04:58 Uhr schrieb Jinsong Zhao

I tried your fonts and the demo example, it does not work. I also try
another font, Times New Roman, the most common font on Windows platform.
It does not work, too.

\version "2.20.0"

\header {
      title = \markup {
                \override #'(font-name . "Times New Roman")
                "My Title"

\score {

"My Title" in the output file is in MicrosoftYaHei.

Do not know why.

In "Times New Roman" the "Roman" is taken as font-family of font
"Times New", which does not exists, thus a fall-back font is used.
To avoid it use:
\override #'(font-name . "Times New Roman,")
Note the ","

The "," trigger the magic. However, I do not find the document about it. Maybe I am in a wrong way.

And it also solve the op's question, i.e., "ITC Souvenir," works.




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