On 4/18/20 9:26 PM, Xavier Scheuer wrote:
On Sun, 19 Apr 2020 at 02:03, Paul Scott <waterho...@ultrasw.com <mailto:waterho...@ultrasw.com>> wrote:
> I posted this some time ago and didn't get answer so I thought I would
> try again:
> This is an example that I reduced from a snippet.
> Can someone please tell me why the lyrics ("wordc") don't show up on the
> third note (from the 2nd cueDuring)?


It is hard to understand what you want to achieve here.
In addition your structure is strange. I do not expect the \new Voice = "cue" in the \addQuote command but rather below in your \score block.

I want the cue lyrics to be on one line under the vocal cues. This a standard opera or musical show need for the instrumental parts.

This was taken from a snippet that I can't find right now but this is a working variation of it.  The lyric syllables are on one line and all at the same level under the vocal cue notes:

version "2.19.83"

oboeNotes = \relative c'' {
  c2 r8 d16\f f e g f a
  g8 g16 g g2.

\addQuote oboeNotes
  \new Voice = "cue"

lyr = \lyricmode {
  xy a b c d e f g a h i

  \new Staff
    \new Voice = "Oboe" \oboeNotes
    \new Lyrics \lyricsto "Oboe" \lyr
  \new Staff
    \new Voice
      \relative c'' {
      \cueDuring #"oboeNotes" #up { r2 }
        g2 c,
    \new Lyrics = "cueLyrics"
      \lyricsto "cue" {
        \set fontSize = #-4
        a b c d e f g a h i

You only have one note in your oboe voice, hence only lyrics below this note.

No. The one lyric is below a vocal cue.  I don't know why the second syllable/word is not under the 2nd cue note.

If you want your lyrics to align on another voice then you can use a NullVoice context as explained in NR 2.1.2 Techniques specific to lyrics > Polyphony with shared lyrics

I don't quite see how your documentation reference works with vocal cues in instrumental music.

Thank you for replying,



Xavier Scheuer <x.sche...@gmail.com <mailto:x.sche...@gmail.com>>

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