Hello All:
I recently installed LilyPond 2.20.0 and it seems to be working well with
the default font. However, I'd like to use the lily jazz and chord fonts
and style sheet and have downloaded the .otf files and .ily files to do so
... but where do they go?

I put the otf files here:

and the ily files here:

I chose these locations because the error message i get on compiling a
simple .ly file gives them as "search paths" (among others). Obviously, the
wrong locations as I get a message: "cannot find file: 'lily jazz.ily"

Nice that LilyPond is robust enough to spit out the pdf in default font, as
if to say: "just use the fonts everybody else uses kid, everything will be

using a Mac BTW.

Curious that the archives show no discussion after 2014?

Any help?

Regards, JeffK

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