Hi, I have redefined the \clef command to sneak in an override to the ClefModifier. That works but I can't use it as a layout as it is "baked in" the music expression.
I guess there is some "after-line-breaking" solution with a lambda function operating on the grob (ClefModifier). But I could not find it. I would need access to the kind of clef, the ClefModifier is attached to. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \version "2.20.0" % this works but is redefining a standard command clef = #(define-music-function (clf) (string?) #{ \override Staff.ClefModifier.extra-offset = #(cond ((string=? clf "treble_8") '(1.5 . 1)) ; exaggerated position ; there are more conditions in real function (#t '(0 . 0)) ) #(make-clef-set clf) #}) { \clef "treble_8" a1 \clef "bass_8" c,1 } % how can I know what kind of clef it is here? { \override Staff.ClefModifier.after-line-breaking = #(lambda (grob) (ly:grob-set-property! grob 'extra-offset '(1.5 . 1))) \clef "treble_8" a1 \clef "bass_8" % should not work here! c,1 } Best, Joram