Wait. What am I saying? openSUSE postponed their package freeze to May
28th as apart of their Closing the Leap Gap proposal to include some
SUSE binaries in the distribution. This gives more time to package
Lilypond, but I think we should still try to get 2.20 in there if
possible. I'm not the one for the job. Again, thanks for your patience.
On 4/13/20 5:48 PM, Daniel Woodfield wrote:
I just realized that Lilypond 2.20 was released (sorry, I'm a little
slow to notice over here on Ubuntu LTS). I'm thinking about moving to
openSUSE when Leap 15.2 is released, but I just found out that it
still uses Lilypond 2.18—and the package freeze is in 3 days! (That's
April 16). Does anyone here know who I could ask about packaging it
for Leap and whether that would be possible before the freeze? I'm
sorry if this is the wrong list, I just didn't think it really
belonged on the development one because it's not strictly related to
development of Lilypond itself. Thank you!