Dear Sylvia,

Am 12.04.20 um 17:39 schrieb Sylvia Cassel:
> f1:maj7 a1:aug7 bes1:maj7 d1:aug7

Your harmonies have a duration of 1 (whole note) but your measures are
only 3 quarters long (time 3/4):

f2.:maj7 a2.:aug7 …

and you can write the duration only once if it is the same as previously:

f2.:maj7 a:aug7 …

By the way, such questions should be asked on the users' list:


Am 12.04.20 um 17:39 schrieb Sylvia Cassel:
> Hello out there,
> Has anyone has a chance to look at this?  Am I doing something wrong or is
> there a bug??  How can I get the chord notations over the right measure?
> Sylvia Cassel <>
> Fri, Apr 3, 7:04 AM (9 days ago)
> to bug-lilypond
> % In doing a lead sheet in 3/4 time, the melody notation comes out correctly
> % but the chords don't line up with the measures.  They seem to assume 4/4
> time.
> Example:
>  \version "2.20.0"
> \header {
> Title = "F - Some Day My Prince Will Come"
> composer = "Frank Churchill"
> }
> melody =\relative c'
> {
> \clef treble
> \key f \major
> \time 3/4
> c2.  f2 cis4 e2 d4 d2.
> }
> harmonies = \chordmode
> {
> f1:maj7 a1:aug7 bes1:maj7 d1:aug7
> }
> \score {
> <<
> \new ChordNames {
> \set chordChanges = ##t
> \harmonies
>  }
> \new Staff \melody
> \layout { }
> }
> Thanks for any help.
> Sylvia
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