
Am 12.04.20 um 12:15 schrieb neyzenemre:
How can I install lilypond 2.21 on Ubuntu 18.04 ? I'm so new for compile any

Probably you should remove your old version of Lilypond first: Run *uninstall-lilypond* in a shell (terminal) or, if you used the (archaic) version of LilyPond in Ubuntu's repository, *sudo apt-get remove lilypond* (or *sudo apt remove lilypond*).

Then, assuming you are on a 64 bit system (which is highly probable if your computer is not exceedingly old): Download


into some arbitrary folder - I take ~/Downloads/ as an example, open a shell and run

*sh ~/Downloads/lilypond-2.21.0-1.linux-64.sh*

"Enter" to proceed, and everything should be fine.

(This installs Lilypond just for one user and assumes that it was previously also installed that way.)


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