foxfanfare <> writes:

> But I don't understand, why is that shortcut also not working then?
> #(define-markup-command (subUp layout props f1 f2)
>                         (string? string?)
>   (interpret-markup layout props
>     #{
>        \markup {
>          \overtie \line { \concat { #f1 \hspace #0.15 #f2 } }
>        }
>     #}))
> subst = \finger \markup \subUp \etc
> \relative c' {
>   c1\finger \markup \subUp "1" "2"
>   c\subst "1" "2"
> }

A design decision turning \markup \subUp \etc into a markup function of
its own, then calling \finger with that.

In short, \etc is acting less greedy than expected here.  In order to
allow for less greediness in some applications (like with \markupMap)
one would likely want something explicit, but I don't have a definite
idea for that right now.

David Kastrup

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