Long time ago with the help of the people in this forum I have been able to write (to collect) this simple code
\version "2.19.82" \include "changePitch.ly" multiModal = #(define-music-function (scale patternRhytmic patternMelodic) (ly:music? ly:music? ly:music?) #{ #@(map(lambda (p) #{ \changePitch $patternRhytmic \modalTranspose c #(ly:make-pitch -1 p) $scale $patternMelodic #}) (iota 8)) #}) scalex = \fixed c' {c d e f g a b} { \multiModal \scalex {4 8 8} {c' d' e'} } generating this: c4 d8 e d4 e8 f e4 f8 g etc. I would like to modify it so that the generated output would be: c4 d8 e b'4 c8 d a'4 b'8 c etc. Any help? Thank you, g.