I know it is not how LilyPond actually thinks and is supposed to work, and it has been discussed from various angles. But I'm afraid I have to ask (again) from my actual challenge's perspective.
The task is to produce empty staves to replace staves in a scanned score, i.e. to create an empty staff with some white space around it that can be superimposed on the scan. Question: is it possible to create a staff without content but with barlines placed exactly at requested positions (e.g. expressed in millimeters)? As a bonus, would it be possible to create an empty (i.e. non-visible) voice where note-columns are positioned exactly. This doesn't have to have any notion of meter (e.g. an arbitrary meter or a cadenza); the task would be to position lyrics or bass figures exactly below objects on a scan, e.g. adding musical analysis on top of a scanned score. It would not matter if the required code is complicated because that would be generated by some tool that would have marked up the scanned image in a graphical environment. Thanks for any ideas Urs PS: Additional reference: https://github.com/frescobaldi/frescobaldi/issues/1271 https://github.com/frescobaldi/frescobaldi/issues/1271