On 2020-02-24 11:23 am, JxStarks . wrote:
This is probably documented somewhere, but I am miserably inept at
searching archives.
I'm writing up a Lead Sheet and the Bridge section has a counter-melody
with its own lyrics. I hacked it together using the _"" function, but I
hope there's a better way to do it. Please enlighten me or direct me to
correct procedure. Attached is a sample of the coding and the results
been able to achieve. (The 'Counter-Melody-Coding.png is in case
can't open the .docx.)
Many options are available. But ultimately you just need to add a new
Lyrics line for the extra words. You can specify the timing manually
within the \lyricmode, or you can use \lyricsto with a named Voice (or
NullVoice) context if you want automatic alignment.
Here's an example:
\version "2.19.84"
Melody.Voice = \relative g' { g8 a4 b8~ b2 }
Melody.Lyrics = \lyricmode { me -- lo -- dy __ }
Counter.Voice = \relative d' { r4 d8 fis g a g4 }
Counter.Lyrics = \lyricmode { coun -- ter me -- lo -- dy }
\new Staff <<
\new Voice = Melody { \voiceOne \Melody.Voice }
\new Voice = Counter { \voiceTwo \Counter.Voice }
\new Lyrics
\with { \override LyricText.font-size = #-2 }
\lyricsto Counter { \Counter.Lyrics }
\new Lyrics \lyricsto Melody { \Melody.Lyrics }
-- Aaron Hill