Hi all, I noticed a strange behaviour wrt to dynamic-markup. Bugreport at http://lilypond.1069038.n5.nabble.com/dynamic-is-strange-since-2-19-26-td229588.html My output attached. But first repiliers can't reproduce.
It looks like the font is not really correct, most visible at the "z", note the plain upper horizontal line there. Thus I would ask the list members to compile in a fresh file: \markup { #(lilypond-version) using #(car (string-tokenize (vector-ref (uname) 0) char-set:letter)) \hspace #2 \dynamic { s f m z p r } } This will print the used version, the platform used and dynamic-markups. I'm most interested in version >2.19.26 Can anybody confirm my observation? If so, does the appearance of the dynamics change if { R1 } is added to the file? Thanks, Harm