Joe McCool <> writes:

> Please, as a niave user I struggling to understand chords in traditional
> music.
> Why is it that timidity plays these chords OK in the first tune part, but
> only the first chord in the 2nd part:
> \version "2.18.2"
>  %lilypond - to keep the midi.bash happy\version "2.7.40"
> \header {
> composer = "Andrew Swaine"
> crossRefNumber = "1"
> footnotes = ""
> tagline = "Lily was here 2.18.2 -- automatically converted from ABC"
> title = "Easter Snow Mazurka (ly)"
> }

> melody = {
>     \repeat volta 2 {
>     }
>     \repeat volta 2 {
>     }
>     \alternative{
>       { b8. cis16 dis8. b16 dis8. fis16 }
>       { b,4 r8. fis16 ( g8. fis16 ^>)}
>     }
>   }
> }

> harmonies = \chordmode {
>    b2.:min
>    g:maj
>    fis
>    g4 r a
>    b2.:min
>    e:min
>    fis
>    b:min
>    e:min
>    a
>    d
>    g
>    e:min
>    f
>    b:min
> % alternatives
>    b
>    b:min
> }

> \score {
>   \unfoldRepeats
>   {
>     \final
>   }
>   \midi{}
> }

The thing is that in the visual layout, repeat voltas are not
represented by any actual repetitions but by repeat barlines and similar
stuff.  So it is sufficient to add the volta/repeat structure to one

However, \unfoldRepeats does not work at the music "iteration" stage but
changes the music expression directly.  So its effect does not extend to
\harmonies .

You need to place the volta/repeat structure in every Staff/Voice to
have \unfoldRepeats do its work successfully.

David Kastrup
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