Am Mo., 10. Feb. 2020 um 10:11 Uhr schrieb Michael Käppler <>:
> Hi Harm,
> > Fine with me, I already updated the LSR-code, for now unapproved.
> > Please have a look whether all is ok, snippet-description and the like.
> Thank you for updating!
> Will update the description this evening.
> Do you have any idea how to preserve indentation within <code> blocks?
> Inserting &nbsp; or the like seems hacky, inline-css-styling too...
> >
> > Probably one suggestion:
> > How about gving the user some hint or example-message what can be
> > expected if warnings are triggered or debug-mode is enabled?
> Do you mean inside the description or as snippet output?

In the description or probably as a comment in the code.

> Btw, do you know a way to dump warning-messages to the graphical output?

Nope. My experiments with 'with-output-to-string' weren't successful,
at least for ly:warning and similar.
Ofcourse one could avoid ly:warning and go for some other printing
function, but I think it would lead to more confusion instead of
helping the user.


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