On Sat, Feb 01, 2020 at 09:35:02AM -0500, Pierre-Luc Gauthier wrote:
> In this MWE the trill pitch des''' is not displayed for some reason.
> When \partCombineChords is forced, why doesn't both trill note get displayed ?
It looks like this is a limitation of \partcombine. From the manual:
"\partcombine keeps all spanners (slurs, ties, hairpins etc.) in the
same Voice so that if any such spanners start or end in a different
Voice, they may not be printed properly or at all."

> Side question :
> Why isn't the second bar merged "chorded" by default?
> Both parts seems \partCombineApart by default.
Part combine expects the first music expression to be the upper voice
and the second expression to be the lower voice. When the lower voice
goes higher than the upper one (i.e. the parts cross), it will keep the
voices separate so that this is clear in the score. If it chorded them
by default the part crossing might not be clear.


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