Kieren MacMillan <> writes:

> Hi David,
>> I am glacially slow for almost everything because I am ridiculously
>> afraid of wasting time doing something wrong.  That turns to work out
>> better for teaching than getting anything done myself.
> That may be the best two-sentence description of me I’ve ever read.  =)
>> And music-pitches is also convenient to know.
> That’s the main one that jumped out at me as "Well, if I had known
> about that one…!" (For the record: Harm used event-chord-pitches in
> his attempt at my problem, and it seemed a wonderfully magical start
> out of the gate, but we were ultimately unable to take it to the
> goal-line. Also, I mixed my sportsing metaphors in that sentence; oh
> well.)
> Am I correct that music-functions.scm is the best dust-covered
> repository of arcane knowledge in which one can find "music-pitches"
> and a description of what it does?

It's not really dust-covered since it is frequently changed, but since
most of its contents continue to scroll by programmers occasionally,
there is some chance that much of it has had a chance to converge to a
reasonably smooth state.

Which does not mean that all of that is well-documented.

David Kastrup

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