Hi all, does anyone know if the openLilyLib modules scholarly.choice and scholarly.editorial-markup are actually used by people?
The reason I'm asking is that I have the impression that I should rename the command \editorialMarkup to something different and would like to know if this would significantly affect users. I am putting the following code on a slide for a presentation, and it just doesn't feel right: \relative { ... \choice variants { \editorialMarkup lemma \with { source = "1756" } { c8 [ e d g, ] | e'16 [ d c8 ] r4 } \editorialMarkup reading \with { source = "1769" } { c8 [ e ] d4 } } ... } This encodes two alternative versions of music, as found in two different sources. Through a configuration variable it can be decided which readings to use in the engraving (well, this is pretty closely related to using tags). What the naming actually describes is that I *use* editorial markup to encode one version as a "lemma" and another as a "reading". But that's not what *should* be there. Actually I want to encode the versions "as" lemma and reading. For that it would of course be more straightforward to directly use \lemma and \reading, but the concept is very flexible, has a number of cases preconfigured and allows to define arbitrary types of alternatives to be encoded. [And just if anyone is interested: the "variants" type for choice is defined to require two or more music variables from type "lemma" or "reading", zero or one lemma.] Urs