Thanks everyone!

It took me several hours to work out how to get from the examples David
directed me to in the Docs to a MWE that had the lyrics where I wanted them
to be to using that structure into my existing score, but I did do it.

Guy Stalnaker

On Sat, Jan 11, 2020 at 5:51 PM Carl Sorensen <> wrote:

> Guy,
> When you want help on the list, the best thing to do is to set up a
> compilable tiny example:
> If you do that, then we can just make the needed changes.
> Pseudocode like you wrote in your email is hard to give good answers about.
> But I’ll show you a pseudocode example for your pseudocode example.  You
> need some special music to be put into NullVoice contexts to space the
> lyrics.  They won’t show up in the staffs, but the lyrics will be aligned
> to them.
> %% CODE
> \new ChoirStaff  <<
> \new Staff = “upper”
> \new Voice = "soprano" { S }
> \new Voice = "alto" { A }
>               \new NullVoice = “mainlyrics” { M } % M needs only the
> rhythms, pitches don’t matter – should
>   % have the rhythms only for the main voices.
>               \new NullVoice = “soplyrics” {SL} % Mostly s or \skip;
> rhythms at some pitch whenever special soprano words  are present
>   >>
>                \new Lyrics \with { AlignAboveContext =  “upper”} \lyricsto
> “soplyrics” \sopSpecial
> \new Lyrics \lyricsto "mainlyrics" \verseOne
> \new Lyrics \lyricsto "mainlyrics" \verseTwo
> \new Lyrics \lyricsto "mainlyrics" \verseThree
> \new Lyrics \lyricsto "mainlyrics" \verseFour
> <<
> \new Staff
> \new Voice = "tenor" { T }
> \new Voice = "bass" { B }
> >>
> >>
> %% CODE
> I could share with you some examples of this, but they aren’t anywhere
> close to tiny examples,so I don’t want to post them to the list.
> HTH,
> Carl

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