On 2020-01-07 4:17 pm, Michael Gerdau wrote:
Hi list,

I've come across a strange behaviour with \hideNotes. See the following MWE:
- snip - snip - snip - snip -
\version "2.19.83"

musica = \relative c'{ f4 g << { \hideNotes a4.( \unHideNotes g8) } \\
{ a4.( g8) } >> }
musicb = \relative c'{ f4 g << { a4.( g8) } \\ { a4.( g8) } >> }

\score {
\score {
- snip - snip - snip - snip -

In the first example it looks as if the a' is "4" when indeed it is "4.".
The second example correctly shows the "."

Is this a bug or am I doing something stupid?

\hideNotes needs to hide Dots (as well as other things), and it appears that the Dots grob is shared across Voices. However, it is the *first* Voice that creates the Dots grob, so only its context properties matter. If you move your \hideNotes to the second Voice, the dot appears.

You could manually revert what \hideNotes does:

\version "2.19"

butNotDots = \revert Dots.transparent

musica = \relative c'{ f4 g
  << { \hideNotes \butNotDots a4.( \unHideNotes g8) } \\ { a4.( g8) } >>
musicb = \relative c'{ f4 g << { a4.( g8) } \\ { a4.( g8) } >> }

\score { \musica }
\score { \musicb }

-- Aaron Hill

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