Hello all,

I am very happy to announce the first version of the LilyJSSVG editor,
after the various tests made in the previous days (I have not yet committed
the release, but everything is ready).


As you can see, this version brings VERY IMPORTANT differences compared to
the test versions: everything is in fact absolutely automated, and is
achieved through the point-and-click system on the score, from which you
can open drop-down menus for editing objects with The mouse. Instead of
explaining all this in words, I suggest you see the following video, in
which with LilyJSSVG I open a Beethoven sonata taken from the Mutopia
project and modify it.


Obviously my intent is to create a complete editor. In the next few days I
will insert various other grob to modify (hairpins, accidents, keys,
brackets etc.).

I really invite you to consider the features of this editor.

1) For the first time, objects can be modified with the mouse avoiding the
unnerving trial and error process. Note that the system I used has nothing
different from the tweaks and overrides that are normally done through a
text editor. I kept the same names of the objects (Script, Beam,
DynamicText etc.): the only difference is that here the coordinates are
calculated and written directly with the mouse. So all this is not at all
in opposition to Lilypond's logic, but rather strengthens it.

2) The editor doesn't need ANYTHING to compile. It is in fact generated by
Lilypond himself!

I did all this because I believe in Lilypond a lot and I use it often. I
wanted to invest my time because in this way I speed up the writing of the
I really needed to speed up many operations, and I am achieving this result.
But it would be really nice if you help me. Again: watch the video.

In the coming weeks, after adding more grobs to modify, I will suspend the
development. At this point, I will be able to actively dedicate myself to
the project only if I am supported. The help I ask from you is 1) test 2)
code cleaning 3) documentation 4) support for writing in Javascript. 5)
Test on Windows / OSx

For point 4) I am willingly available for those who want to learn how to
add new features to the code.

If supported, I will try to continue the work by adding a text editor with
the various features of syntax highlighting etc. If I will not be
supported, unfortunately I will devote myself to the project much more
occasionally (I will however try to continue developing it, because I
believe in it). Of course, I cannot do everything alone, and I would like
to see the Lilypond development team (should I cross-post this to
lilypond-devel ml?)  saying something about the possibility of including
this feature in the Lilypond project.


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