On Mon, 2019-12-23 at 15:39 -0500, Freeman Gilmore wrote:
> Would someone explain what line 5 does and what  "::"means?

:: doesn't "mean" anything, its just part of the name of the symbol -
in Scheme only a few characters can't be part of a name (e.g.s the
double quotes " character, the space ...)


>    Why line 6 is not enough.
> 1 \version "2.19.10"
> 2 sesquisharp = \markup { \sesquisharp }
> 3
> 4 \relative {  
> 5    \once \override Accidental.stencil = #ly:text-interface::print
> 6    \once \override Accidental.text = #sesquisharp
> 7    cis''4 }
> Thank you, ƒg

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