Hi Paolo,

After some googling and tweaking I managed to make the counter you wished:

\version "2.19.83"

#(define* (make-counter #:optional (cnt 0) (inc 1))
   (lambda ()
     (set! cnt (+ cnt inc))

#(define serial (make-counter))

token = -\tweak output-attributes #`((id . ,(string-append "foobar_"
(number->string (serial))))) \etc

\relative { c'4 d8 -\token [ e ] f -\token [ g ] c,4 }

I will test your snippet for modifying beams later! Thank you for the work
you are doing.

Hope this helps!

El mar., 17 dic. 2019 a las 19:23, Paolo Prete (<paolopr...@gmail.com>)

> In addition, Stefano, If you have time, please try the snippet for tuning
> the beams (second attachment). Any test of these things are very helpful
> for me.
> On Tue, Dec 17, 2019 at 11:18 PM Stefano Troncaro <
> stefanotronc...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi Paolo,
>> Look at this:
>> \version "2.19.83"
>> token = -\tweak output-attributes #'((id . "foobar")) \etc
>> \relative { c'4 d8 -\token [ e ] f2 }
>> That achieves half of what you want. Now, how to make "foobar"
>> automatically increment I don't know, perhaps someone else can help with
>> that.
>> Hope that helps!
>> Stéfano
>> El mar., 17 dic. 2019 a las 19:06, Paolo Prete (<paolopr...@gmail.com>)
>> escribió:
>>> Hello all,
>>> In order to automate the reverse process of the lilypond+javascript
>>> snippets (write the GUI modifications of the grobs to the .ly file) I need
>>> to make the following code work:
>>> %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
>>> token = \tweak output-attributes  #'((id . "foobar"))
>>> \score
>>> {
>>>    {
>>>       a8 \token [ c' c' c']
>>>    }
>>> }
>>> %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
>>> But it doesn't compile.
>>> What's the right way to define the "token" variable?
>>> Note that I can compile on 2.19.84 (but not on 2.19.55) the following
>>> code
>>> %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
>>> \score
>>> {
>>>    {
>>>       a8 \tweak output-attributes  #'((id . "foobar")) [ c' c' c']
>>>    }
>>> }
>>> %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
>>> In addition: how can replace "foobar" with a global variable (string +
>>> number) that is incremented at each call of "token"  ?
>>> The ids must be: foobar_1, foobar_2  etc.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Paolo

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