On 2019-12-13 5:59 pm, Paolo Pr wrote:
First of all, I need to add with Lilypond a <script> tag to the svg
just before the ending </svg> tag in the following way:
<script xlink:href="lilyEasySlurs.js"></script>
OR in the following way:
...javascript code...
Well, one could use (abuse?) the embedded-svg stencil command:
\version "2.19.83"
svg-script = #(define-scheme-function (body) (string?)
(markup #:stencil (ly:make-stencil (list 'embedded-svg
(string-join (list "<script type=\"text/javascript\"><![CDATA["
body "]]></script>") "\n")) '(0 . 0) '(0 . 0))))
{ g'4 a' \tweak Accidental.output-attributes #'((id . "flat")) bes'2 }
#"var flat = document.getElementById('flat');
flat.style.color = 'red';
function spin(what, amount) {
let angle = 0.0;
return function () {
const bbox = what.getBBox();
const xform = ['rotate(',
(angle = (angle + amount) % 360.0),
bbox.x + 0.5 * bbox.width,
bbox.y + 0.75 * bbox.height, ')'];
what.setAttribute('transform', xform.join(' '));
setInterval(spin(flat, 5), 100);"
This adds a top-level \markup that contains a stencil to instruct
output-svg.scm to write the specified string to the output.
-- Aaron Hill