Hi Timothy,

Just done a bit more poking around. According to Internals, 
all-bar-numbers-visible  shows all bar numbers including the first one, but it 
doesn't seem to as the first bar number isn't printed (not that I want it). I 
also tried first-bar-number-invisible but that gave the same effect (which I'd 
have expected). Odd.

Best regards,


Thursday, December 12, 2019, 5:10:26 PM, Timothy Lanfear wrote:

Adding the layout block will number partial bars in brackets.

\version "2.19.83"
\language "english"

\layout {
  \context { \Score barNumberVisibility = #all-bar-numbers-visible }

\score {
  \new Staff {
    \clef "treble"
    \time 4/4
      \override BarNumber.break-visibility = ##(#t #t #t)
      c''1 2 \bar "||" \break
      \key f \major
      f'1 1 \break
      1 1

On 12/12/2019 16:39, Rick Kimpel wrote:

You need an extra #
\override BarNumber.break-visibility = ##(#t #t #t)

But that doesn't do what you're talking about. I had something similar in a 
piece with 4/4 + 3/4 time with a dotted barline. I ended up just manually 
renumbering the bars numbers with: 
\set Score.currentBarNumber
Probably not the solution you're looking for.

From: lilypond-user <lilypond-user-bounces+rick.kimpel=outlook....@gnu.org> on 
behalf of Peter Toye <lilyp...@ptoye.com>
Sent: Thursday, December 12, 2019 10:04 AM
To: lilypond-user@gnu.org <lilypond-user@gnu.org>
Subject: Bar lines within bars inhibit bar numbering 
The example below shows the issue. The mid-bar line with a \break does not show 
the bar number at the beginning of the next line - I would expect '2'. A \break 
at the end of a bar gives the expected result.

Also, the commented out line doesn't compile, and I can't see why, so can't see 
if it would make a difference. I cut-and-pasted the vector from the manual, but 
that's what the complier seems to be complaining about.


\version "2.19.83"

\language "english"

\score {
  \new Staff {
    \clef "treble"
    \time 4/4
      %\override BarNumber.break-visibility = #(#t #t #t)
      c''1 2 \bar "||" \break
      \key f \major
      f'1 1 \break
      1 1
Timothy Lanfear, Bristol, UK.

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