Hi Jaap, this is really great! It is now very close to what I need (but better without the use of LyricText.Y-offset).
Now I have the problem that in *some* lines the chords are very far away from the lyrics whereas in most lines, they are positioned very well. Do you have any idea what's the reason for this and how I could solve it? Kind regards Dominic On 10.12.19 15:14, lilyp...@de-wolff.org wrote: > > >> -----Original Message----- >> From: Dominic Sonntag <domi...@s5g.de> >> Sent: Tuesday, December 10, 2019 8:44 AM >> To: lilyp...@de-wolff.org >> Cc: lilypond-user@gnu.org >> Subject: Re: How to remove all notes and only show Chords and Lyrics? >> >> This is really quite close, but can I remove that horizontal line and bring >> the >> chords and lyrics closer together? >> >> >> On 07.12.19 15:50, lilyp...@de-wolff.org wrote: >>> >>> >>>> -----Original Message----- >>>> From: lilypond-user >>>> <lilypond-user-bounces+lilypond=de-wolff....@gnu.org> >>>> On Behalf Of Dominic Sonntag >>>> Sent: Friday, December 6, 2019 11:08 AM >>>> To: lilypond-user@gnu.org >>>> Subject: How to remove all notes and only show Chords and Lyrics? >>>> >>>> Hi, >>>> >>>> in a special case I need a "score" with notes, only chords and >>>> lyrics. A basic example is >>>> this: >>>> >>>> \version "2.19.82" >>>> \score { << >>>> \new ChordNames { s4 f2 c } >>>> \new Staff { >>>> \relative c' { >>>> \partial 4 >>>> \time 4/4 >>>> \key f \major >>>> f8 g | f4. e16 d e c8~ c4 >>>> } >>>> } >>>> \addlyrics { It's not time to make a change, } >>>>>> } >>>> >>>> >>>> I want the notes and clefs and barlines etc. (the whole staff) not to >>>> be shown, but the lyrics should still take the time the notes have. >>>> In this little example, the result should look something like this: >>>> >>>> F C >>>> It's not time to make a change, >>>> >>>> or see my attached image. >>>> >>>> How can I achieve this? (Maybe with the least effort on changing the >>>> input as it is a long >>>> song.) >>>> >>>> Kind regards >>>> Dominic >>> [>] >>> This is not exactly what you want, but it is close: >>> \version "2.19.82" >>> >>> \layout { >>> \set RhythmicStaff.explicitKeySignatureVisibility = #all-invisible >>> \set Staff.printKeyCancellation = ##f >>> \context { >>> \RhythmicStaff >>> \remove "Time_signature_engraver" >>> \override Clef.break-visibility = #all-invisible >>> } >>> } >>> >>> >>> \score { << >>> \new ChordNames { s4 f2 c } >>> \new RhythmicStaff { >>> \new NullVoice >>> \relative c' { >>> \override Score.BarLine.stencil = ##f >>> \partial 4 >>> \time 4/4 >>> \key f \major >>> f8 g | f4. e16 d e c8~ c4 >>> } >>> } >>> \addlyrics { It's not time to make a change, } >>>>> } >>> >>> > [>] > > Try: > \layout { > \context { > \RhythmicStaff > \remove "Time_signature_engraver" > \override StaffSymbol.line-count = #'0 > } > \context { > \Lyrics > \override LyricText.Y-offset = #10.0 > } > } > > You can play with the Y-offset, if it is to close for you > Jaap >
\version "2.18.2" \paper { indent = 0 ragged-right = ##t system-system-spacing = #'((basic-distance . 6) (minimum-distance . 6) (padding . 2.5) (stretchability . 0)) score-system-spacing.padding = #12 } lyricsbreak = \tag #'lyricsheet { \bar "" \break } verseOne = \lyricmode { \set stanza = "1. " Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod \lyricsbreak tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. \lyricsbreak At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum. Stet clita kasd \lyricsbreak gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. \lyricsbreak } verseTwo = \lyricmode { \set stanza = "2. " Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod \lyricsbreak tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. \lyricsbreak At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum. Stet clita kasd \lyricsbreak gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. \lyricsbreak } harmonies = { \chordmode { \set majorSevenSymbol = \markup { "maj7" } s4 f2 c bes2 g:m7 f d:m g:m c f c bes g:m7 f d:m % p.1 g:m c f c bes g:m7 f d:m g:m c f c bes g:m7 f d:m c4 f } } melody = \relative c'' { \key f \major \time 4/4 \partial 4 \autoBeamOff a8 bes | c8. bes16 a bes c8~ c4 a8 bes | c4 c16 c d8~ d f, f g | a4 f8 g a4 bes8 a | a g16 g~ g f g8~ g4 a8 bes16 c~ | c4 a16 bes8 c16~ c4 r8 a16 bes | c4 c8 c16 d~ d8 f, f g | a4 r8 f16 g a4 bes16 a8. % p.2: f8 g~ g4 r a8 bes | c bes a16 bes8. c4 r8 a16 bes | c8 c c c d f, r f16 g | a4 r8 f16 g a4 bes16 a f f | g2 r8. f16 a8 bes | c4 r8 a16 bes c8. a16 a8 bes16 c~ | c16 c c8~ c16 c d8 r8. f,16 f8 g | \time 6/4 a8. g16 f8 g a16 a8. a16 bes8. a8 g f4 | R1. | \time 4/4 r2 r4 a8 bes | c c a16 bes8 c16~ c4 r8 a16 bes | \bar "|." } \layout { \context { \ChordNames \override ChordName.font-name = #"Alegreya Medium" \override VerticalAxisGroup.staff-affinity = #DOWN \override VerticalAxisGroup.nonstaff-relatedstaff-spacing = #'((basic-distance . 2.5) (minimum-distance . 2.5) (padding . 1.25) (stretchability . 0)) } \context { \Lyrics \override LyricText.font-name = #"Alegreya" \override VerticalAxisGroup.staff-affinity = #UP \override VerticalAxisGroup.nonstaff-relatedstaff-spacing = #'((basic-distance . 5.5) (minimum-distance . 5.5) (padding . 1.25) (stretchability . 0)) } \context { \ChordNames \name LyricSheetChords \alias ChordNames \inherit-acceptability LyricSheetChords ChordNames \override VerticalAxisGroup.nonstaff-nonstaff-spacing = #'((basic-distance . 1) (minimum-distance . 1) (padding . 1) (stretchability . 0)) } \context { \Lyrics \name LyricSheetLyrics \alias Lyrics \inherit-acceptability LyricSheetLyrics Lyrics \override VerticalAxisGroup.staff-affinity = #UP \override VerticalAxisGroup.nonstaff-relatedstaff-spacing = #'((basic-distance . 3) (minimum-distance . 3) (padding . 2) (stretchability . 0)) \override LyricText.self-alignment-X = #-0.9 \override LyricSpace.minimum-distance = #0.625 \override LyricSpace.minimum-length = #0.5 } } \score { << \new ChordNames \harmonies \new RhythmicStaff { \new NullVoice \melody \addlyrics { \verseOne \verseTwo } } >> \layout { \set RhythmicStaff.explicitKeySignatureVisibility = #all-invisible \set Staff.printKeyCancellation = ##f \context { \RhythmicStaff \remove "Time_signature_engraver" \remove "Bar_number_engraver" \remove "Bar_engraver" \override Clef.break-visibility = #all-invisible \override StaffSymbol.line-count = #'0 } } }